Lawn Cleanup & Leaf Removal in late January – Did we mention that it’s been 60 degrees the past couple of days and we’re out working in short sleeve shirts?!

So far, we’ve had a pretty mild winter in Southeast MO!  A little snow & ice made it into the area a couple of weeks ago, but it didn’t cause much trouble and melted fairly quickly!  Guess that could be good news or bad news, however you look at it?!  The kids were out of school for a few days, but it seems that parents don’t enjoy “snow-days” as much?!  Maybe so?!  Either way, the winter weather has moved out of the area for the time being and it has been super nice for late January!  The past couple of days, the temps have been in the 50’s-60’s here in Poplar Bluff, MO and we’ve been taking advantage of that warmer weather!  A lot of people are getting anxious for Spring and we’ve been able to help those around Poplar Bluff by getting their lawns back in shape!  We didn’t get enough ice to cause problems with tree limbs breaking/etc, but we have been busy cleaning up sticks and limbs!  And of course…lots of leaves!  We’ve noticed that it has been pretty windy here this month, so that definitely is contributing to all the limbs and sticks laying all over the lawn!  The wind has helped some customers with their leaves, but for others it has been a nightmare!  A couple of lawns that we took care of yesterday, were 100% leaves from the neighbors property!  Without a single tree in either lawn, all of the leaves blew from the property across the road!  Nonetheless, we took care of all the leaves and left their lawn looking nice and clean!  If you need help getting your lawn back in shape, now is the perfect time!  We can help get those sticks picked up, leaves removed, or clean out that flowerbed that is overgrown!  Whatever your circumstance may be, we would be glad to help get your lawn back in shape!  Just give us a call and let us know how we can serve you!


Cameron Duncan, Owner
GrassMaster Lawn Service
Poplar Bluff, MO  63901
(573) 429-0132